
Showing posts from June, 2020

Buy Homeopathic Remedies Online - RC Homeopathy

Welcome to RC homeopathy clinic. We are a well-known brand offering remedies, consultation, and related services in homeopathy and its allies. With an option to choose from a wide range of homeopathic remedies online, we also offer a nationwide delivery across Sydney, Australia. For Online Homeopathy Medicines Contact Us (02) 9920 4006 Or By Email: More details at:

Homeopathy Remedy For Fistula

Fistula: Any abnormal connection between two organs at different locations in the body is known as a fistula. This connection needs to be removed else it creates pain and may even become unbearable. Common location where fistula may happen is intestine, vaginal tract or anal region. Homeopathic remedies not only treat fistula but also help cure it. The homeopathic medicines are prescribed after a full analysis of size, type, and duration of your fistula. Homeopathy offers a variety of formulations to suit your specific symptoms. More details at:

Homeopathic Remedy For Height Growth

Homeopathic remedy for height growth is getting increasingly popular. In this article you will learn why natural remedies are safe for your growing kids. One of the most common side effects of being someone who is short in height is lack of confidence. Whether it is in social situations, sporting activities, household tasks, a taller person finds ease over the shorter person. Yes, being short is not a disease but some natural remedies are available that can work well with your body to make you a few inches taller. More details at:

Buy Homeopathic Remedies Online - Rc Homeopathy

Welcome to RC homeopathy clinic. We are a well-known brand offering remedies, consultation, and related services in homeopathy and its allies. With an option to choose from a wide range of homeopathic remedies online, we also offer a nationwide delivery across Sydney, Australia. For Online Homeopathy Medicines Contact Us (02) 9920 4006 Or By Email:

Buy Remedies Online in Sydney - RC Homeopathy

Welcome to RC homeopathy clinic. We are a well-known brand offering remedies, consultation, and related services in homeopathy and its allies. With an option to choose from a wide range of homeopathic remedies online, we also offer a nationwide delivery across Sydney, Australia. For Online Homeopathy Medicines Contact Us (02) 9920 4006 Or By Email: More details at:

Homeopathy Treatment And Remedies For Diabetes

What is Diabetes? Diabetes also known as diabetes mellitus is a chronic condition whereby the quantity of glucose or blood sugar increases in the bloodstream. Glucose is a vital source of energy that helps provide energy to the muscles and tissues of the body. This is done with the help of Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps convert the glucose from food to energy so that they can be used by the cells of muscles and tissues. Sometimes when the body doesn’t make enough insulin or doesn’t use it well may cause the accumulation of glucose or sugar in the bloodstream causing one to suffer from diabetes. The increase of glucose in blood-stream may then cause various other health problems. It damages vital organs, blood vessels, and affects many other functions and may even lead to death. Symptoms of Diabetes: Persistent hunger Fatigue Thirst Excessive urination Dry mouth Blurred vision More details at:


Pain in the back anywhere below the ribs and above the hips is called lower back pain. The pain may vary between dull and  sharp and may even cause numbness. After the common cold, back pain is the most common reason why people take office leave. Usually, a back pain subsides on its own in a matter of weeks but for some, it continues to linger on for long and may need medical help. Back pain itself does not represent a serious condition but if associated with other medical conditions and can be a cause of concern. The major accompanying symptom of back pain is stiffness of the back This pain may come as a result of the following three regions Upper back-cervical region- pain may radiate to the arms Mid-back-dorsal region- Lower back– lumbar, sacral and coccyx region- radiate to lower limbs More details at:

Best Naturopath Sydney

Naturopathy is a broad term of which homeopathy is just a subset. Homeopathic remedies are based on products from nature, while a naturopath may also suggest the use of herbs and other neutral products. Healthcare focused especially on an individual naturopathy considers the patient as a congregation of mind, body, and soul. All the treatments and healing work are done by studying these three planes for healing deep-rooted causes that manifest a disease. Natural treatment by a naturopath invigorates the body’s self-healing vital force restoring the body to its natural functional levels.


HOMEOPATHY FOR PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS Homeopathy , one of the popular alternative therapies, always addresses the person as a whole. The personality, body, and psychology of the client are all of the equal importance to a homeopath when prescribing mental illnesses, diseases or psychological complaints with homeopathic remedies. A vast range of stress-related human emotions that cloud over humanity today has undoubtedly created a certain level of disorder and disharmony among masses. More details at:

Homeopathic Practitioner Sydney, Australia

Ramya Billa, the founder of RC homeopathy is a registered Homeopathic Practitioner of the Australian Register of Homeopaths (AROH). Also, she is a member of the Australian Homeopathic Association (AHA) in Sydney, Australia. She holds a Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine from NTR University of Health Sciences and has in a short period of time have a proven track record of dealing with hundreds of patients with chronic diseases successfully. More details at:


ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE PRACTITIONER Unlike many others who choose western medicine as their vocation, there are several you have an inherent desire to serve people naturally. This makes them choose professions like naturopathy, homeopathy , Ayurveda, acupuncture, aromatherapy, etc. It is until only recently when these natural healing systems are gaining rapid momentum where earlier they were denounced as outdated and slow paced. These natural healing systems  involve any healing therapies or  natural healing practices “that do not sit within the scope of conventional medical practices” As opposed to symptoms, these therapies attempt to treat the patient itself. Due to these ancient healing professions gaining a sudden surge, it is emerging as a respectable profession where a practitioner feels more satisfied to prescribe a patient, not with high dose chemical drugs but instead raising his natural healing abilities. More details at:


Homeopathy For Allergies When our immune system detects any foreign agent or allergens as a potential harm, it treats them as an invader and triggers the formation of Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies. These antibodies, in turn, generate a chemical histamine to prevent the infection from spreading in the body. This abrupt behavior is then visible in the form of symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, nausea, coughing, vomiting, hay fever, etc as well. Allergy treatment in homeopathy serves to stimulate the body’s own healing mechanism by reducing the hypersensitive effect of the immune system. This hypersensitive effect is the very cause which causes allergic reactions to even harmless substances like dust, foods, pollen, animal dander, etc. More details at:


Homeopathy For Men In current society, where men are becoming more and more concerned for their family’s well-being, providing a better life to their family, keeping up with the competitive work field, retiring, age-related factors, providing a good education to their children, it seems so obvious for them to neglect their health. Many men find it hard to express their discomfort to early indications that they are unwell – so it is not surprising that a crisis develops in long run. This may be physical illness, emotional breakdown, midlife crisis or worse. Therefore for men, it is not just physical health that suffers – their mental and emotional health is also at risk. Homeopathy serves as a holistic support that not only caters to their physical but emotional and mental symptoms as well to heal them as a whole. More details at:


A prescription/remedy in homeopathy works by stimulating your body’s natural healing abilities. So with the very first consultation, a homeopath accesses your condition by obtaining an overall picture of who you are, what your mental state is, what symptoms are you facing, how long have you been with the illness, what causes the symptoms to be better or worse, etc. With this data in hand, a homeopath matches your symptoms with the best remedy. Source: