
Showing posts from September, 2020

Natural Remedy For Flu

  Influenza, commonly known as flu, is a respiratory illness which is caused by a self-mutating virus. It is contagious and even spreads through sneezing, coughing or talking with an infected person. Owing to the similarity of various symptoms, it is very easy to get confused and assume it to be common cold. But unlike a common cold, Influenza may also include fever, aches, chills, body pain, fatigue, and chest discomfort. Common Flu Symptoms Fever    Headache    Sore throat    Headache    Fatigue    Nausea    Diarrhoea Visit:

Arsenicum Album 30c - RC

  Buy  Arsenicum Album 30c liquid Online at RC Homeopathy!!

Best Homeopathic Doctor in Sydney - RC Homeopathy

Homeopathic Doctor Ramya Billa, the founder of RC homeopathy is a registered Homeopathic Practitione r of the Australian Register of Homeopaths (AROH). Also, she is a member of the Australian Homeopathic Association (AHA) in Sydney, Australia. Her dedication, expertise, kindness, and ability to communicate with her patients is well evident from the success stories making her a well known homeopathy practitioner.. She holds a Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine from NTR University of Health Sciences and has in a short period of time have a proven track record of dealing with hundreds of patients with chronic diseases successfully. More details at:


  Computer vision syndrome covers the entire subset of eye vision complaints that occur as a result of prolonged use of mobiles, computers or tablets. In today’s digital era, working adults have to spend a major part of their time on screen. They may get so much engrossed in work needs that they may sideline the strain and pressure developing over their eyes. It is only after some time that they report eye strain symptoms. Some of the possible risk factors that may lead you to develop computer vision syndrome are • Dry eyes • Working on a computer without any gaps • Poor posture • Working in poor lighting • Screen Glare More details at:

Homeopathy Remedies For Coccydynia - RC Homeopathy

  How Homeopathic  Remedies help in Coccydynia Homeopathic remedies help reduce the inflammation of the coccyx . With these natural remedies one also experiences strengthening in the surrounding muscles of  the affected area. Gradually these natural remedies help reduce the pain by activating our natural healing forces Homeopathic remedies help heal all the nerve damage around the affected area. More details at:

Homeopathy For Cough and Cold

Homeopathy for cough and cold All the conventional treatments use high dose drugs/pharma to suppress the cold symptoms. These continuous suppression in time lead to various grave concerns. Also this could mean that your vital force stops performing its usual function and leaves your body even more vulnerable to a host of other illnesses/diseases. As research says, over the counter drugs can be very harmful for kids below 2 years of age and for other age groups they may  create a worsening effect in subsequent times. Homeopathic treatment has shown itself to be very effective for healing respiratory issues. Coming with no side effects and all natural therapies, one can take them safely. What symptoms do you have? How long have they been affecting your vitality? Or what dosage or frequency of the pills may alleviate your pain and eventually heal your body, this all can be known after consultation with a qualified homeopath. More details at:

Thuja Occidentalis Homeopathic Medicine - RC Homeopathy

 Buy Thuja Occidentalis Homeopathic Medicine: Order Online at RC Homeopathy More details at: More remedies at:

Buy Arsenicum Album Online - RC Homeopathy

  Buy Arsenicum Album Homeopathic Medicine: Order Online at RC Homeopathy. Order Online at:


Migraine Headache Migraine is a throbbing or pounding pain which normally occurs unilaterally due to disturbances in the neurological circuits-such as nerve cells, brain chemicals or  vessels. When it is migraine with aura, it can also cause various visual disturbances A migraine headache is very different from a normal headache and can have various debilitating consequences in the overall well being of an individual. No exact cause for the development of a migraine headache is known but  one can manage the migraine condition by keeping not of usual triggers such as Lack of serotonin which helps brain to send pain signals through body Skipping meals Unhealthy sleep Physical exertion Stress More details at:

Homeopathy For Glaucoma

An eye disorder which normally occurs later in life, glaucoma involves raised intraocular pressure and damage to the optic nerve. If not treated on time, it may even lead to a permanent vision loss. In the front part of the eye there is a space known as the anterior chamber. Eye fluid known as aqueous humour passes through the same and maintains effective lubrication. It drains out through space where iris meets the cornea. Here at this point the fluid passes out and leaves the eye. Now when this fluid is unable to pass properly or build up, it remains over the eye and builds up intraocular pressure causing optic nerve damage to the optic nerve which  transmits images to the brain. Symptoms of Glaucoma The first indication of you having glaucoma is the loss of peripheral or side vision • Eye redness • Hazy eyes • Pain in eye • Narrow vision • Nausea • Vomiting Early  homeopathic remedy  can help provide you relief from the symptoms and help prevent the eye from further damage Source: h

Homeopathy for Backpain

  Pain in the back anywhere below the ribs and above the hips is called lower back pain. The pain may vary between dull and  sharp and may even cause numbness. After the common cold, back pain is the most common reason why people take office leave. Usually, a back pain subsides on its own in a matter of weeks but for some, it continues to linger on for long and may need medical help. More details at:

Homeopathy for Kidney Stones Remedy

Homeopathy for Kidney Stones Remedy Our urinary system is composed of kidneys, urinary bladder, urethra, and ureters. Kidneys are mainly responsible for purifying our blood and removing waste and excess fluids from the body. The wastes and fluids left over after kidney filtration is urine. Urine is then passed down from the ureters down the urinary bladder. All goes well but if the solid mineral deposits collect and form crystals or solid deposits in the kidney or in the bladder, one develops kidney stones. Thus kidney stones are basically hard deposits of minerals and salt. There are substances that prevent the formation of such solid deposits. The formation of kidney stones signifies the corresponding fall in the production of such substances. Other reasons include insufficient hydration which causes the concentration of minerals in your urine to increase and raise the probability of developing kidney stones. Taking homeopathic remedies ensures that the amount of substances required

Camphor Homeopathic Medicine - RC Homeopathy

  Buy Camphor Homeopathic Medicine : Order Online at RC Homeopathy More details at:


CORONARY HEART DISEASE TREATMENT IN HOMEOPATHY ? What is coronary artery disease? When the arteries supplying blood and oxygen to the heart narrow down, the heart receives reduced blood flow causing coronary artery disease (CAD). Sometimes even the clot formed may obstruct the blood flow to the heart muscle. CAD is one of the most common heart diseases. This heart condition starts off as an injury to the inner layer of the artery wall. Cholesterol or other fatty deposits start collecting in the area creating plaques through a process known as atherosclerosis.  This prevents the heart from functioning effectively and sometimes may even create a permanent damage. Heart collecting and receiving blood Our heart has four chambers, two lower ventricles and two upper Atria.  Atria send blood to the lungs for collecting oxygen. This oxygen rich blood is then sent back to the heart from where the two lower ventricles distribute it to the body, lungs and tissues. Again the impure blood containin

Homeopathy for Exam Stress - RC Homeopathy

Homeopathy for Exam Stress Exam times again-at this time of the year I get busy with students who come to me for stress and anxiety related problems associated with exams. Normally a definite amount of stress and anxiety may push them to excel and achieve best results but sometimes it may extend beyond and add to panic and exam nerves leading to a downward spiral in their academic life. In time this stress further weakens the immune system making their body more susceptible to other illnesses that can catch their body when least expected and especially during the exams. While it is natural to get anxiety and stress when the level of preparation is low, sometimes I also see students who feel overwhelmed even though their preparation level is acceptable. But nevertheless, homeopathy provides suitable remedies for each specific exam need. A personalized consultation with a homeopath is all that you need to discern what prescription will suit your context of exam nerve. Exam nerves might c


Migraine Headache Migraine is a throbbing or pounding pain which normally occurs unilaterally due to disturbances in the neurological circuits-such as nerve cells, brain chemicals or  vessels. When it is migraine with aura, it can also cause various visual disturbances A migraine headache is very different from a normal headache and can have various debilitating consequences in the overall well being of an individual. No exact cause for the development of a migraine headache is known but  one can manage the migraine condition by keeping not of usual triggers such as Lack of serotonin which helps brain to send pain signals through bodySkipping mealsUnhealthy sleepPhysical exertionStress  More details at:

Buy Arsenicum Album Homeopathic Medicine

Buy Arsenicum Album Homeopathic Remedy at RC Homeopathy. Arsenicum Album is One of the Fifteen Most Important Remedies in Homeopathy. Order Online Today!! Visit: /

Natural Teething Remedies - RC Homeopathy

Teething is a natural biological process whereby infants at 6-12 months of age have their teeth start erupting from below the gum line. These teeth are present and hidden below the child’s gum line since birth. Some children may also have natal teeth-a tooth at the time of birth, which is normally removed and is in a very rare case linked to a syndrome. When a child reaches 6-12 years of age, the primary teeth degenerates and the onset of permanent teeth takes place. All these primary teeth come above the surface by the age of three. There is a certain pattern in which these teeth come. The order of teeth eruption is as follows Front incisor First primary molar Canines Second primary molars Visit:

Vertigo Remedy in Homeopathy

Vertigo Remedy in Homeopathy What is vertigo A feeling of spinning around and losing one’s balance even though you and your environment are stationary. A person faces difficulty walking or standing. This imbalance can also lead them to fall. In some cases, nausea and vomiting may also accompany vertigo. Homeopathic remedies help heal through this condition with all natural ingredients. Vertigo Symptoms Spinning Vomiting Ringing Sweating Headache Ear ringing Pulling in one direction Eye jerking Visit: