Homeopathic Treatment For Warts

Warts or skin tags are unwanted skin growths which appear when your body comes in contact with Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) that breeds in wet and damp areas.

It may take some months before the virus starts working beneath your skin and start affecting the upper layers of the skin to show up as a wart.

Warts are of contagious nature and upon contact can spread from one body part to another. Not only they can affect other body parts but can also spread to another person coming in contact with a person affected with HPV virus.

There are around 100 different strains of HPV virus known which may affect specific body parts.

Types of warts

Common warts:
These warts can occur on any part of the body and are mostly brown or gray in color.

Plantar Warts:
These warts show their growth on foot and if they grow in size can make walking painful.

Flat warts:
These warts occur around face, neck or arms and have a smooth flat surface.

Filiform Warts:
They grow around mouth, eyelids or lips. They show a thread like or finger-shaped growth.

Periungual warts:
These warts occur around nails.

What causes warts?

If you think that just by coming in contact with HPV virus one may develop warts, the answer is no. Only if one has a weak immune system, the virus can affect.

Here are the most common factors which may cause an HPV virus infection

On touching an object contaminated with this virus
Skin to skin contact with HPV affected person
Weak immune system
Sharing items of a person having warts
Walking on moist surfaces
Wet feet
Suppressive treatments

Homeopathic Wart Removal

Conventional treatments work by using painful procedures such as laser removal, acids, cauterization, surgical removal or duct tape occlusion.

The treatment procedures mentioned above simply fiddle up with your warts which are just the outer manifestations of some disturbance in your inner anatomy.

By treating just the outer symptom you leave the root cause which if not treated may return back becoming more potent.

Surely, you can get a temporary relief  through these treatments but since these treatments are not dealing with the virus, it may again cause the wart to reappear later.

Homeopathic cure for warts believes that the appearance of warts is just an indication of a dysfunctional immune system.

Therefore homeopathic wart removal first tries to strengthen your immune system which in turn stimulates your inherent healing capabilities to fight against the virus and hence prevent warts from appearing again.

Source: https://www.rchomeopathy.com.au/homeopathic-wart-removal-make-your-warts-disappear-easily/


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