Autism spectrum disorder is an inability starting from childhood to socially interact, communicate, learn or talk in a way that is normal. Including a wide spectrum, two autism patients may show different symptoms, hence the name autism spectrum disorder.

According to the survey of Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers (SDAC) in 2015 nearly 164,000 Australians had autism. This disorder is more common in boys than in girls.

Autism is not an illness or disease that has a complete cure. But, yes it requires management. Above all a friendly support from friends, family and physician help them to show progressive improvements and in turn makes their life easier.

Causes of Autism

Earlier it was believed that autism is caused due to mammography vaccine or a stressful environment affecting the psychology of a child. But now an increasing number of researchers are pointing its prime cause to be genetic and environmental in origin.

Some of the common causes of this disorder are

Irregularity in brain development during pregnancy
Exposure to chemicals or drugs, etc
Previous genetic history
Infections or past medical history that has affected the mental development

Symptoms of autism

Trouble talking, reading, walking, writing or learning
Repeating words or phrases
Throwing  tantrums or shouting  when things are not their way
Likes to play with kids younger or elder to them and ignore children of their age
Difficulty in making eye contact, or using facial expressions and gestures to sustain communication
Make strange twisting and flapping hand movements when angry or upset
Likes only a limited range of food itemsLack of feeling or emotions for others

Source: https://www.rchomeopathy.com.au/homeopathy-for-autism/


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