Homeopathy is a branch of alternative medicine that was founded by Dr Samuel Hahnemann In the year 1790.

It is a treatment procedure based on “Similia Similibus Cutantur” or “Likes cures Likes.”

It translates into Homeo (Similiar) Pathy (suffering).

What is Homeopathy?

A treatment system which believes that the same substances which cause the disease in first place can be in minute diluted quantities serve to heal the disease.

Homeopathy remedies are all natural, non-addictive and have a lasting effect on the well being of an individual. Though homeopathy is growing fast as an alternative healing system now, it was discovered much earlier than the pharmaceutical drugs.

Spreading day by day to all parts of the world, homeopathy remedies are gaining a significant attention among the public for natural healing treatment. Having a long time exposure to the conventional pharma, people have now realized how important is to heal the body from inside out through all the channels concerning mind, body, and soul.

They now know that treating just the outer symptoms provides a temporary relief only to report chronic illnesses in future coming back with more severe  symptoms and extension in the duration of healing.

Taking various sessions and going in full depth of your case, a homeopath will remove any patterns that may be the breeding ground for your illness.

Source: https://www.rchomeopathy.com.au/


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