
Showing posts from March, 2020

Homeopathy Treatment And Remedies For Diabetes

What is Diabetes? Diabetes also known as diabetes mellitus is a chronic condition whereby the quantity of glucose or blood sugar increases in the bloodstream. Glucose is a vital source of energy that helps provide energy to the muscles and tissues of the body. This is done with the help of Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps convert the glucose from food to energy so that they can be used by the cells of muscles and tissues. Sometimes when the body doesn’t make enough insulin or doesn’t use it well may cause the accumulation of glucose or sugar in the bloodstream causing one to suffer from diabetes. The increase of glucose in blood-stream may then cause various other health problems. It damages vital organs, blood vessels, and affect many other functions and may even lead to death. Symptoms of Diabetes Persistent hunger Fatigue Thirst Excessive urination Dry mouth Blurred vision Types of Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Type 1 Your bo

Buy Homeopathy Remedies Online at RC Homeopathy

For Online Homeopathy Medicines Contact Us (02) 9920 4006 Or By Email: Welcome to RC homeopathy clinic . We are a well-known brand offering remedies, consultation, and related services in homeopathy and its allies. With an option to choose from a wide range of homeopathic remedies online , we also offer a nationwide delivery across Sydney, Australia. Suitable for every age group, you can consider our homeopathic online shop as an ultimate destination for all your family’s health concerns. We also provide homeopathy remedy kits. On our website, you can get a corresponding remedy for all known health issues, latest information, treatments, and research in homeopathy. Combined with a hassle-free, quick and easy payment system, you will get a quick delivery of your homeopathic medicines. We value customer satisfaction so you can count on us for an excellent before and after delivery support. We understand the queries our new customers might have abo

Natural Treatment For Flu

Influenza, commonly known as flu, is a respiratory illness which is caused by a self-mutating virus. It is contagious and even spreads through sneezing, coughing or talking with an infected person. Owing to the similarity of various symptoms, it is very easy to get confused and assume it to be common cold. But unlike a common cold, Influenza may also include fever, aches, chills, body pain, fatigue, and chest discomfort. Common Flu Symptoms Fever  Headache  Sore throat  Headache  Fatigue  Nausea  Diarrhoea When someone infected with the Influenza virus sneeze, coughs or talks the virus may easily get transferred in the air. Upon inhaling these contaminants or coming in contact with the objects touched by an infected person you may easily get flu. New strains of influenza keep developing as the virus is self-mutating in characteristic. A previous exposure to any strain variety of this virus may better prepare you for any future infection as your body has already

Male Pattern Baldness Treatment: A Natural Cure To Reverse Hair Loss

Male Pattern Baldness Treatment: A Natural Cure To Reverse Hair Loss If you have just started seeing the symptoms of male pattern baldness (also known as androgenic alopecia), a natural treatment is there that will hit right at the sweet spot and reverse the hair loss. After treating multiple patients with high success rate, I thought why not share this information with my readers since I know a large percentage of the population is searching for a possible androgenic alopecia natural treatment. Not just women but men also have an attachment to their hairs. On noticing slight symptoms of an abnormality in growth rate or baldness patches, they also get concerned like women.  Male pattern baldness is caused primarily due to thinning up of hair follicles causing them to produce thinner strands of hair that are difficult to be sustained and ultimately lead to permanent baldness.  There can be various factors that can cause male pattern baldness such as Genetic predisposition

Homeopathy For Cough and Cold

Homeopathy For Cough and Cold Having a weak immune system, common cold finds your body as an optimum host. Even more, worse is the fact that it doesn’t come alone, rather brings along with it a host of other symptoms. These include coughing, sneezing, nasal irritations, sore throat, runny nose. Though these are just the symptoms, they can start affecting your routine life as well. Tempted to look for an easy and fast relief what most of us overlook are the harmful effects of high chemical drugs and antibiotics in the long run. But strangely enough, they provide a temporary relief by temporarily hiding the outer symptoms, leaving the root cause untouched. Here,  homeopathic remedies  serve as an ultimate option as they are prescribed only after the careful study of your individual mental, emotional and physical behavior. Make sure to consult a well trained homeopath as early as possible in case the symptoms get worse. Other options that can promise you a natural h

Homeopathy Treatment for Bedwetting

How to stop bedwetting can have many answers. Either one can go for instant conventional treatments or with the ones which work naturally. Natural treatment is the one which I recommend and this article will clear you why. What is bedwetting? Bedwetting is an involuntary phenomenon whereby a child is unable to control the passage of urine, perhaps due to a lack of signal to the brain during the night. Some other common names used to refer bedwetting are urinary incontinence or nocturnal enuresis. This condition is two times more common in boys than in girls. This condition is nothing to be afraid of since homeopathy has a very effective treatment available for the same. So let us first discuss the two categories of bedwetting Primary bedwetting When a child is less than 5 years of age and the nerves in his bladder are still not mature enough to send signals to the brain at night, primary bedwetting is common. As time passes, this condition heals automatically. But

Homeopathy for Backpain

Pain in the back anywhere below the ribs and above the hips is called as lower back pain. The pain may vary between dull and  sharp and may even cause numbness.  After the common cold, back pain is the most common reason why people take office leave. Usually, a back pain subsides on its own in a matter of weeks but for some, it continues to linger on for long and may needs medical help.  Back pain itself does not represent a serious condition but if associated with other medical conditions and can be a cause of concern. The major accompanying symptom of back pain is stiffness of the back  This pain may come as a result of the following three regions  Upper back-cervical region- pain may radiate to the arms  Mid-back-dorsal region-  Lower back– lumbar, sacral and coccyx region- radiate to lower limbs  Back comprises of vertebrae, intervertebral disc, spinal cord, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Vertebraes are bony structures that collectively make up the vertebral

Frequently Asked Questions On Coronaviruses (COVID-19)

What is a coronavirus? Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses which may cause illness in animals or humans.  In humans, several coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The most recently discovered coronavirus causes coronavirus disease COVID-19. What is COVID-19? COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus. This new virus and disease were unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. What are the symptoms of COVID-19? The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness, and dry cough. Some patients may have aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea. These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually. Some people become infected but don’t develop any symptoms and don't feel unwell. Most people (about 80%) re

Buy Arsenicum Album Homeopathic Remedy

Uses of this remedy are based on traditional homeopathic practice Buy Arsenicum Album Homeopathic Remedy at RC Homeopathy More details at:

Helicobacter Pylori Treatment in Homeopathy

Helicobacter Pylori infection is caused by the bacteria Helicobacter Pylori which infects your stomach and can cause various illness. This bacteria can easily reach your stomach through direct contact with the infected person’s saliva, vomit or fecal matter. Nearly 50-60 percent of the world population has this bacterial infection present in their stomach but never develop any visible symptoms. Experts still don’t know as to why only some people develop H Pylori symptoms. When this bacteria reaches your stomach, it may destroy the protective lining of small intestines that serve as a protective coating  against the acids used for digesting food. As a result, this bacteria and the harmful acids together cause stomach irritation, ulcers, gastritis or even stomach cancer. Using clean water and maintaining proper sanitation enables you to keep this infection at bay. These bacteria live in the stomach for years before symptoms start showing themselves up. Earlier stress

Coronavirus Pevention: How to Keep Your Home & Office Clean

COVID-19 is known to spread through respiratory droplets, like mucus or saliva, from person to person. Those droplets can land on surfaces, which others may come into contact with and become infected by putting their hands to their eyes, nose, or mouth. Coronaviruses can live on surfaces for hours in the right environment, according to the World Health Organisation. So how can you effectively clean your home and workplace to keep yourself, your family and colleagues safe? How to clean your home Professor Mary Louise McLaws, a COVID-19 advisor to the WHO, recommends following a two-step preventive measure: “cleaning of visibly dirty surfaces followed by disinfection.” She says you should wipe down commonly touched items, including door knobs, toilet buttons, toilet seat lids and your iPhone screen, before disinfecting them using diluted household bleach or cleaning liquids with at least 70 per cent alcohol. Products containing Sodium hypochlorite, Isopropanol and Ethanol

Homeopathy For Anxiety

The early man’s’- our ancestors were bound to have a definite amount of stress and anxiety owing to their habitat and living conditions. Passing on from centuries, we unknowingly foster the growth of this stress even today for the reasons we ourselves also can’t conceive of. The result is that we develop anxiety even for the most simple life issues. Though, initially it may be  present in small amount but in time our brain and the gut form a prolific self-feeding loop, the emotions tend to rise leading us to experience a rush of fear, anxiety, and stress in high amounts. Now, this can affect our body chemistry making it vulnerable to a host of diseases. Though homeopathy works for chronic cases as well, but why elongate the time and increase the complexity when you can have it all treated naturally right from the start. Apart from homeopathic help, here are few natural treatments for anxiety that you can try along with the homeopathic treatment to boost the recovery. F

Homeopathic Remedies - Arsenicum album

Arsenicum album is one of the fifteen most important remedies in homeopathy. In classical homeopathy, people are sometimes assigned a constitutional type, named after the homeopathic remedy applied, partly on the idea that people with similar physical or mental characteristics who suffer from similar symptoms can be treated effectively with their constitutional remedy. "Arsen. alb." types are "tense, restless ambitious individuals" with a tendency toward hypochondriasis, pessimism, need for reassurance, and a meticulous attention to neatness and detail. Buy Remedy: For homeopathic use, arsenicum album is prepared by separating arsenic from iron (as in arsenopyrite), cobalt, or nickel by baking at high temperatures. The powder is then ground and diluted with lactose. In the final dilution, statistically most pills will contain zero molecules of the original arsenic used; some might


In the wake of the Coronavirus disease, COVID-19 outbreak, the Faculty of Homeopathy has worked with the  4Homeopathy group  of UK homeopathic organisations to produce the following guidelines : All advice from the chief medical officer is based around hygiene and prevention . We cannot stress strongly enough that these measures are of the utmost importance and everyone should be advised to follow them.  They are vital both for our own health, and also for those with whom we come into contact. This advice includes:- Frequent hand washing  – with warm soapy water or high alcohol based hand sanitisers. It is particularly important to wash hands after travelling and after blowing your nose. Practitioners should always wash their hands before and after contact with patients.  Avoid anti-bacterial washes without high alcohol content as they do not eradicate viruses. Look for hand sanitisers containing 65-95% alcohol. For further information on effective hand washing go to  https://w

Can You Get the Coronavirus Twice?

One of the most concerning issues since the emergence of the Covid-19 virus has been whether those who have had it can get it a second time – and what that means for immunity. On Monday, both Sir Patrick Vallance, the government’s chief scientific adviser, and Prof Chris Whitty, Boris Johnson’s chief medical adviser, sought to reassure the public. Those who have had the virus once will develop some immunity, they said – and it is rare to get an infectious disease again. The questions first arose last month, after Japanese authorities said a woman who had had the virus, and been declared virus-free, had tested positive again. Scientists were left confused by the news and and also uneasy. Prof Mark Harris, an expert in virology at Leeds University, said reinfection in that case was “unlikely”, but added that “there is some evidence in the scientific literature for persistent infections of animal coronaviruses (mainly in bats)”. When Vallance was asked on Monday if the Japanes

Online Homeopathy Medicines - RC Homeopathy

For Online Homeopathy Medicines Contact Us (02) 9920 4006 Or By Email: Welcome to RC homeopathy clinic. We are a well-known brand offering remedies, consultation, and related services in homeopathy and its allies. With an option to choose from a wide range of homeopathic remedies online, we also offer a nationwide delivery across Sydney, Australia. Suitable for every age group, you can consider our homeopathic online shop as an ultimate destination for all your family’s health concerns. We also provide homeopathy remedy kits. On our website, you can get a corresponding remedy for all known health issues, latest information, treatments, and research in homeopathy. Visit:

How Long Does the Coronavirus Last on Surfaces?

By now, let’s hope you’re safely ensconced at home—going  a little stir-crazy , perhaps, but doing your part to “ flatten the curve .” But let’s say you’re one of those people who can’t stay in. Maybe you deliver Amazon boxes all day long, or you still need to drive a city bus. Or maybe you’re treating sick people in a hospital while  trying not to get sick yourself . Or, for that matter, maybe you just have to go to the grocery store. In that case, you might want to know: How long does SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, last on surfaces we touch every day? Potentially several hours, or even days,  according to a preprint  published this week by researchers at the National Institutes of Health, Princeton, and the University of California, Los Angeles. The researchers exposed various materials to the virus in the lab. They found that it remained virulent on surfaces for a lengthy period: from up to 24 hours on cardboard to up to two or three days on plastic and stainl

What Does the Coronavirus Do to the Body?

Here’s what scientists have learned about how the new virus infects and attacks cells and how it can affect organs beyond the lungs. As cases of coronavirus infection proliferate around the world and governments take extraordinary measures to limit the spread, there is still a lot of confusion about what exactly the virus does to people’s bodies. The symptoms — fever, cough, shortness of breath — can signal any number of illnesses, from flu to strep to the common cold. Here is what medical experts and researchers have learned so far about the progression of the infection caused by this new coronavirus — and what they still don’t know. How does this coronavirus cause infection? The virus is spread through droplets transmitted into the air from coughing or sneezing, which people nearby can take in through their nose, mouth or eyes. The viral particles in these droplets travel quickly to the back of your nasal passages and to the mucous membranes in the back of your throat, atta