Homeopathy Treatment for Bedwetting

How to stop bedwetting can have many answers. Either one can go for instant conventional treatments or with the ones which work naturally.

Natural treatment is the one which I recommend and this article will clear you why.

What is bedwetting?

Bedwetting is an involuntary phenomenon whereby a child is unable to control the passage of urine, perhaps due to a lack of signal to the brain during the night. Some other common names used to refer bedwetting are urinary incontinence or nocturnal enuresis. This condition is two times more common in boys than in girls.

This condition is nothing to be afraid of since homeopathy has a very effective treatment available for the same.

So let us first discuss the two categories of bedwetting

Primary bedwetting

When a child is less than 5 years of age and the nerves in his bladder are still not mature enough to send signals to the brain at night, primary bedwetting is common.

As time passes, this condition heals automatically. But if it continues for an age greater than 7, medical intervention is necessary.

Secondary bedwetting

When your child’s bedwetting habit returns after a significant gap of at least 6 months it can be of concern as it might be indicative of some problem in his inner anatomy.

Bedwetting causes in older children
• Genetic factors
• Small bladder
• Less production of the Antidiuretic hormone
• Sleep apnea
• Diabetes
• Food allergy
• ADHD –attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
• Infection
• New school
• Birth of a new child in the home
• Nightmares

More details at: https://www.rchomeopathy.com.au/how-to-stop-bedwetting-naturally/


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