
Showing posts from April, 2020


Stress, the parent of anxiety and depression, is a signal to the brain to go into the survival mode. In this mode, the energy stocked within is diverted from the regular vital organs to the muscles and tissues responsible for preparing the body for a fight or flight response. Though for a small amount of stress, this phenomenon is natural with the body returning back to its normal state after some time. But, if this continues for long periods of time, the body can get out of balance.This unhealthy habit costs in long run by causing chronic diseases and organ impairment. Some common causes which can lead to depression are Change in brain biochemicals Genetics Lack of balance in the amount of neurotransmitters-brain chemicals Traumatic life events More details at:

Helicobacter Pylori Treatment in Homeopathy

Helicobacter Pylori infection is caused by the bacteria Helicobacter Pylori which infects your stomach and can cause various illness. This bacteria can easily reach your stomach through direct contact with the infected person’s saliva, vomit or fecal matter. Nearly 50-60 percent of the world population has this bacterial infection present in their stomach but never develop any visible symptoms. Risk Factors for H Pylori People living in developing countries are more prone to develop this conditionLack of clean waterLiving in a crowded location . Helicobacter Pylori Symptoms One may experience a dull and burning pain in the belly that is more prominent while on an empty stomach. Therefore in between meals, one is going to experience the severity in symptoms. Other signs include Persistent abdominal pain Bloating Nausea Vomiting Burping Black tarry stool Difficulty swallowing Weight loss for no reason As the homeopathic treatment is highly personalized, symp

Homeopathy Treatment for Thyroid Disorder

What is Thyroid Gland? Thyroid gland is a small pear shaped gland located in the front part of the neck below thyroid cartilage. These glands secretes hormones helpful to regulate some important body functions This gland perform a variety of functions Controls your weight Balance the energy level Cause mood swings Produce thyroid hormone Regulate body temperature Using hormones Growth of body tissues This condition is More common in women than in men. Homeopathic medicines for thyroid are a natural solution to this condition. Production of Hormones Hormone synthesis happens in hypothalamus. Hypothalamus  releases thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH). TRH travels to the pituitary gland and which then releases thyroid stimulating hormone. TSH travels to the thyroid gland and stimulates the thyroid to produc hormones. Symptoms of Thyroid Symptoms of overactive and underactive thyroid gland include Sensitivity to cold Weight gain Joint pain Hair loss C


When our immune system detects any foreign agent or allergens as a potential harm, it treats them as an invader and triggers the formation of Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies. These antibodies, in turn, generate a chemical histamine to prevent the infection from spreading in the body. This abrupt behavior is then visible in the form of symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, nausea, coughing, vomiting, hay fever, etc as well. Allergy treatment in homeopathy serves to stimulate body’s own healing mechanism by reducing the hypersensitive effect of the immune system. This hypersensitive effect is the very cause which causes allergic reactions to even harmless substances like dust, foods, pollen, animal dander, etc The symptoms can get worse indoors and improve in the open air. Allergy treatment in homeopathy is also very effective to treat morning attacks of sneezing that comes during the months of autumn. Common types of allergies  Skin allergy Allergic rhinitis Mold alle


HOMEOPATHY FOR ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or attention deficit disorder (ADD) is a common psychiatric disorder linked to increased hyperactivity levels. This neurological disorder hampers the social behavior of an individual including lack of presence, confinement to self-imaginations, lack of mental stability, etc. Yes, it might seem common for growing children to show impulsive, hyperactive or inattentive behavior, but there are certain parameters, which if persisted for a certain period marks its unwanted presence. If not treated, this mental condition can carry over to adulthood only leading to more adverse consequences. Symptoms of ADHD Easily distracted by sight or sound Lack of focus Unable to plan or complete tasks Not fully aware of the surrounding Learning Difficulty Can’t sit at one place  As reported, ADHD or ADD is three times more common in boys than in girls. Causes of ADHD disorder Family history increases the risk


Autism spectrum disorder is an inability starting from childhood to socially interact, communicate, learn or talk in a way that is normal. Including a wide spectrum, two autism patients may show different symptoms, hence the name autism spectrum disorder. According to the survey of Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers (SDAC) in 2015 nearly 164,000 Australians had autism. This disorder is more common in boys than in girls. Autism is not an illness or disease that has a complete cure. But, yes it requires management. Above all a friendly support from friends, family and physician help them to show progressive improvements and in turn makes their life easier. Causes of Autism Earlier it was believed that autism is caused due to mammography vaccine or a stressful environment affecting the psychology of a child. But now an increasing number of researchers are pointing its prime cause to be genetic and environmental in origin. Some of th

Homeopathic Treatment For Warts

Warts or skin tags are unwanted skin growths which appear when your body comes in contact with Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) that breeds in wet and damp areas. It may take some months before the virus starts working beneath your skin and start affecting the upper layers of the skin to show up as a wart. Warts are of contagious nature and upon contact can spread from one body part to another. Not only they can affect other body parts but can also spread to another person coming in contact with a person affected with HPV virus. There are around 100 different strains of HPV virus known which may affect specific body parts. Types of warts Common warts: These warts can occur on any part of the body and are mostly brown or gray in color. Plantar Warts: These warts show their growth on foot and if they grow in size can make walking painful. Flat warts: These warts occur around face, neck or arms and have a smooth flat surface. Filiform Warts: They grow around mouth,

Homeopathy Remedies in Sydney — RC Homeopathy

Welcome to RC  homeopathy clinic . We are a well-known brand offering remedies, consultation, and related services in  homeopathy  and its allies. With an option to choose from a wide range of  homeopathic remedies online , we also offer a nationwide delivery across Sydney, Australia. More info at:

Homeopathy To Overcome Your Fear

Fear is an emotion which arises when one feels helpless against a situation or an event. Perhaps one may turmoil over a bad past or feel anxiety for an unknown future. As such persons may not be in present moment, they may be unconsciously living with fear based emotions. Many a times among family or friends, such persons though may be physically present but may be emotionally absent. Top Homeopathic Remedies for Fear   Homeopathic medicines for fear of death Aconite Arsenicum album Homeopathic medicine for fear of heights Argentum nitricum Homeopathic medicine for fear of closed places Stramonium Pulsatilla Homeopathic medicines for fear of water Lyssinum Hyoscyamus Homeopathic medicines for fear of failure Lycopodium Aurum Metallicum Source:

Homeopathy For Asthma

Homeopathy For Asthma Asthma is a condition whereby the breathing passages  (bronchioles) that help in the exchange of air in and out of the lungs gets inflamed or swollen. When this happens, the airways become constricted narrowing down the passage and start producing more mucus. This congestion in the inner anatomy of the breathing system prevents the oxygen to flow freely while collecting the harmful carbon dioxide within the lungs. This unwanted constraint in the efficient breathing is visible outside as symptoms. Symptoms of asthma attack Coughing Shortness of breath Chest pain and tightness Difficulty speaking Wheezing sound when exhaling Source:

Buy Arsenicum Album Online From RC Homeopathy

RC Homeopathy offers a wide range of online and offline homeopathic consultation and services in Sydney, Australia. Buy Arsenicum Album Online From RC Homeopathy. 


Homeopathic Treatment For Developmental Delays Development delay refers to the delay in the normal development of the child than other children of the same age. Therefore as a parent, one should be alert during their first three years of age. There are five major areas where a child may show a developmental delay • Cognitive skills • Social and emotional skills • Speech and language skills • Motor skills • Daily activities A developmental delay in any two or more of the above areas is referred to as global developmental delay. Yes, it is common to see two children even of the same age to show a different development rate. But there are certain average time intervals by which a child is expected to achieve certain milestones. If a child is lagging behind to achieve these milestones, one must consult a homeopath soon. Sometimes there can be only minor differences which can be easily ignored. But I would recommend that if you have even a slight dou

Most Frequently Asked Questions on Homeopathy

How Does Homeopathic Remedies Work? Homeopathy  is a holistic system of healing which stimulates your body’s own healing powers. Working on the emotional, mental and physical level a homeopathic remedy treats a patient as a whole and works to remove the underlying cause rather than prescribing a generalized medicine for just visible outer symptoms. Made from natural resources, these remedies are environmental friendly, cruelty-free and come with no side effects. Are Homeopathic Remedies Fast Acting? One can see the results almost immediately for minor disorders. But in chronic cases where the person is exposed to the disease long before consulting a homeopath, it may take some time. Here, a homeopath will clearly examine the symptoms and prescribe the remedy accordingly. So, it can be expected that the two persons with the same illness can have different recovery times. How Do Homeopath’s Source Their Remedies? Homeopathic remedies  are prepared from a variety o
What is Diabetes? Diabetes also known as diabetes mellitus is a chronic condition whereby the quantity of glucose or blood sugar increases in the bloodstream. Glucose is a vital source of energy that helps provide energy to the muscles and tissues of the body. This is done with the help of Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps convert the glucose from food to energy so that they can be used by the cells of muscles and tissues. Sometimes when the body doesn’t make enough insulin or doesn’t use it well may cause the accumulation of glucose or sugar in the bloodstream causing one to suffer from diabetes. The increase of glucose in blood-stream may then cause various other health problems. It damages vital organs, blood vessels, and affect many other functions and may even lead to death. Symptoms of Diabetes Persistent hunger Fatigue Thirst Excessive urination Dry mouth Blurred vision Types of Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Type 1 Your

Homeopathy and Natural Treatments for Menopause

The reproductive cycle of women is regulated by hormones- estrogen and progesterone. When the production of these hormone, especially the estrogen starts declining with age, a women may go through a transition phase. This transition phase or peri menopause which includes the time before or after a menopause can be troublesome for most women as changing hormonal levels bring about various body changes with associated symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats,  emotional disturbance, physical changes, etc. Some women’s may pass this transition phase without any stress while it can affect the normal life of many and may require medical intervention. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), a conventional treatment works by introducing these estrogen hormones back in the body  but this introduction can in long run cause various side effects. This long-term view has shifted the attention of the women suffering from the same to search for safer modes of treatment. Natural remedies

Homeopathy for Kidney Stones Treatment

Our urinary system is composed of kidneys, urinary bladder, urethra, and ureters. Kidneys are mainly responsible for purifying our blood and removing waste and excess fluids from the body. The wastes and fluids left over after kidney filtration is urine. Urine is then passed down from the ureters down the urinary bladder. All goes well but if the solid mineral deposits collect and form crystals or solid deposits in the kidney or in the bladder, one develops kidney stones. Thus kidney stones are basically hard deposits of minerals and salt. There are substances that prevent the formation of such solid deposits. The formation of kidney stones signifies the corresponding fall in the production of such substances. Other reasons include insufficient hydration which causes the concentration of mineral in your urine to increase and raise the probability of developing kidney stones. Taking homeopathic medicines ensures that the amount of substances required for the effective

Homeopathic Treatment For Warts

Warts or skin tags are unwanted skin growths which appear when your body comes in contact with Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) that breeds in wet and damp areas. It may take some months before the virus starts working beneath your skin and start affecting the upper layers of the skin to show up as a wart. Warts are of contagious nature and upon contact can spread from one body part to another. Not only they can affect other body parts but can also spread to another person coming in contact with a person affected with HPV virus. There are around 100 different strains of HPV virus known which may affect specific body parts. Types of warts Common warts: These warts can occur on any part of the body and are mostly brown or gray in color. Plantar Warts: These warts show their growth on foot and if they grow in size can make walking painful. Flat warts: These warts occur around face, neck or arms and have a smooth flat surface. Filiform Warts: They grow around mouth, eye

Homeopathy Treatment For Vitiligo

For exact reasons still unknown, vitiligo is a skin condition caused due to the loss of pigmentation which causes discoloration of the skin. Melanocytes are skin cells that impart color to our skin by producing a pigment melanin.When these cells die or are destroyed, the corresponding lack of melanin causes vitiligo. Vitiligo, a non-contagious disease, is a skin condition that first appears in the form of spots and then later spreads in the form of  white patches Though it can occur in any area of the body, the spread of these patches is more prominent in sun-exposed areas such as hands, arms, feet, neck, lips. It can also affect the mucous membranes Some less common areas include hairs, inner eye and inside mouth. Currently, no exact cause of vitiligo is known but there are certain factors which can make a person more prone to this debilitating condition such as Stress Sunburn Genetic makeup Autoimmune attack Toxic radical Nutritional deficiency Natural cure f

Homeopathy For Anxiety

The early man’s’- our ancestors were bound to have a definite amount of stress and anxiety owing to their habitat and living conditions. Passing on from centuries, we unknowingly foster the growth of this stress even today for the reasons we ourselves also can’t conceive of. The result is that we develop anxiety even for the most simple life issues. Though, initially it may be  present in small amount but in time our brain and the gut form a prolific self-feeding loop, the emotions tend to rise leading us to experience a rush of fear, anxiety, and stress in high amounts. Now, this can affect our body chemistry making it vulnerable to a host of diseases. It is our recommendation that even if you see early symptoms take the help Homeopathy which is among the most popular natural treatments for anxiety. This way you allow your body to work through its natural healing mechanism. Though homeopathy works for chronic cases as well, but why elongate the time and increase the com

How Long Does Coronavirus Last On Surfaces?

Coronavirus likes living in us, but how does the virus go surviving on surfaces around us? How long can the virus survive on surfaces? Marcus: The New England Journal of Medicine just published a study that tested how long the virus can remain stable on different kinds of surfaces within a controlled laboratory setting. They found that it was still detectable on copper for up to four hours, on cardboard for up to 24 hours, and on plastic and steel for up to 72 hours. But it’s important to note that the amount of virus decreased rapidly over time on each of those surfaces. And so the risk of infection from touching them would probably decrease over time as well. Could you become infected from just a single particle of coronavirus? Iwasaki: There’s a certain amount of viral particle that you need to be exposed to become infected. If you just had one viral particle on your finger, it’s unlikely that you’re going to be infected. Some viruses are very potent, you only need li

Homeopathic Treatment For Developmental Delays

Development delay refers to the delay in the normal development of the child than other children of the same age. Therefore as a parent, one should be alert during their first three years of age. There are five major areas where a child may show a developmental delay • Cognitive skills • Social and emotional skills • Speech and language skills • Motor skills • Daily activities A developmental delay in any two or more of the above areas is referred to as global developmental delay. Yes, it is common to see two children even of the same age to show a different development rate. But there are certain average time intervals by which a child is expected to achieve certain milestones. If a child is lagging behind to achieve these milestones, one must consult a homeopath soon. Sometimes there can be only minor differences which can be easily ignored. But I would recommend that if you have even a slight doubt, taking a natural treatment like homeopathy can help him be q

How Long Does the COVID-19 Infection Last?

The infection period for the virus will vary from person to person. Mild symptoms in an otherwise healthy individual may resolve over just a few days. Similar to influenza, for an individual with other ongoing health issues, such as a respiratory condition, recovery may take weeks and in severe cases could be potentially fatal. What if I don’t have Medicare? Most people that are not eligible for Medicare will have health or travel insurance. For those that do not have adequate insurance coverage, NSW Health will waive these costs. This includes the waiving of payment and debt recovery procedures for ambulance transfers of people suspected to have COVID-19 infection, who are taken to NSW Health facilities for assessment. These arrangements have been put in place to ensure payment issues are not a barrier for people from overseas with respiratory symptoms seeking early medical advice. What should I do if I come into contact with a person with COVID-19? If you have been identif

Migraine Headache Treatment

Migraine is a throbbing or pounding pain which normally occurs unilaterally due to disturbances in the neurological circuits-such as nerve cells, brain chemicals or  vessels. When it is migraine with aura, it can also cause various visual disturbances A migraine headache is very different from a normal headache and can have various debilitating consequences in the overall well being of an individual. No exact cause for the development of a migraine headache is known but  one can manage the migraine condition by keeping the not of usual triggers such as Lack of serotonin which helps brain to send pain signals through body Skipping meals Unhealthy sleep Physical exertion Stress Sometimes this trigger management is not enough and one may require a natural cure for migraine. Some of the popular natural remedies for migraine treatment are Acupressure It is similar to acupuncture with the exception of needles. By pressing certain points known as the meridian points

Homeopathy For Heart Palpitations

Have you ever noticed your heart palpitating when you are entering an exam room, ahead of an interview, making an important decision- most of the times, heart starts pounding , fluttering and beat irregularly. This is natural with most of the times heart returning back to its normal rate after an interval of few seconds or minutes. But often it can become a source of concern when it is accompanied by the following heart palpitation symptoms. Chest pain Blackouts Dizziness Fainting Flipflop fluttering A heart palpitation condition which is characterized by these symptoms could be indicative of a more severe and life threatening heart condition. Even if you get slight indications of these symptoms, I recommend consulting a homeopath. What causes heart palpitation? Our heart has four chambers-two upper chambers known as atria and the two lower chambers known as ventricles. Serving as a two way pump, heart helps in the circulation of blood throughout the body. Ventricl

Best Naturopath Sydney

Best Naturopath Sydney Naturopathy is a broad term of which homeopathy is just a subset. Homeopathic treatments are based on homeopathic remedies, while a naturopath may also suggest the use of herbs, diet change, etc as a remedy measure. Healthcare focused especially on an individual naturopathy considers the patient as a congregation of mind, body, and soul. All the treatments and healing work are done by studying these three planes for healing deep-rooted causes that manifest a disease. Natural treatment by a naturopath invigorates the body’s self-healing vital force restoring the body to its natural functional levels. An analysis by a naturopathic doctor may include your personal and family history, major traumas of the past, sleep patterns, levels of stress, diet, your bowel health, hormonal disturbances, relationship traumas  or any other concern which a naturopath may deem worthy of concern while making your analysis. Naturopaths utilize a wide variety of natural